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OCTOBER 2024 – Failing has a funny way of bringing clarity to a situation. You can learn so much from things going wrong, even if they are painful lessons. I’ve heard people say if you aren’t failing, you aren’t trying hard enough. What do you think, is that true? A lot of things that are worthwhile in your life won’t have a 100% win rate, so you have to get over the inevitable setbacks and not let them prevent you from even trying to begin with. [Insert truism about missing 100% of the shots you don’t take] As anything you do that is even remotely high risk, high reward is going to force you to face this reality. Failure happens.

How you deal with failing is what matters. I’ve certainly had my fair share of these moments with a mixed bag report card on how I’ve handled it, haha. But like you were taught as a child, when you fall down, you have to get back up and keep going! Resiliency is so underrated. Universally, nature and the world value strength, but resiliency and perseverance is how you get there, that’s so often the missing ingredient.

I think these lessons carry over into every aspect of our lives. Take the healthcare system in the United States, where astronomical amounts of people suffer from chronic disease and insufficient access to medical services. It could easily be called a failure, but that doesn’t have to be the end of the story. This month I’ve been reading a book called ‘Good Energy’ by Dr. Casey Means about metabolic health and mitochondria dysfunction that is leading to so many health problems for modern humans. And more importantly the book talks about what to do about it. I’d definitely recommend giving it a read if you are interested in a fresh voice from the medical community on how to improve your personal health and how we as a society can refocus the conversation on healthcare in a new direction.

On that note, I’m going to go get some fresh air. Cheers!

~ CS