Concerning Creativity

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JANUARY 2021 – As an artist, being creative in practice is a crucial component of exploring your abilities and making work that is meaningful. But what is the value of creativity and how can we as individuals be more creative in our lives? I decided to share some of my thoughts on this interesting topic in a new video on the WaveGarden Arts YouTube channel. Will embed the video below so you can check it out as part of my new ‘Artist Series’ where I intend to share my thoughts on various topics associated with art, writing, and creative pursuits.

With the start of the new year I have been spending a lot of time pondering what I would like to work on next. I am very happy with the response to ‘Defending the Kingdom’ thus far, and it has been extremely gratifying to hear initial reactions to the writing and story. Need to further develop my book marketing skills to help share it with others that might enjoy it and take something away from having the chance to absorb the material within its pages.

Welcome any ideas on how to get the word out there! I was thinking of doing a book giveaway, so I ordered some copies of the book and will have something about that in the coming weeks. And I think a YouTube video about the book launch is a good idea too. I’ve done book trailers in the past, but my instincts are saying to switch it up a bit this time, so we’ll see. Guess I better start figuring out some ‘creative’ solutions, eh? Haha.

Read several books this month, was feeling rather philosophical so I snagged a copy of ‘On the Shortness of Life’ by Seneca, which was written in 49 AD. Another benchmark in the world of stoic philosophy, and an important reminder about how easy it is to waste your life in meaningless pursuits. The other title I read was ‘Hagakure – The Book of the Samurai’ by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, wanted a taste of Eastern philosophy and yikes, the honor culture of the Samurai (through a 21st century lens) is absolutely brutal. Their view on death feels completely foreign to me, but something that does make one stop and pause and consider the potential impact of your own life. And whether or not you are following a true, authentic path in life.

Here’s to a year full of insights, happiness, and vibrant new experiences!

~ CS