Water & Waves

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MARCH 2021 – Building the future is always an exciting prospect. Spring’s return has me feeling optimistic and psyched for the coming months and exploring and engaging more with the outside world. I guess you could say I am waking from my creative hibernation and feeling energized, haha. How is the start of the season treating you? Make any cool discoveries in your own backyard? I checked out some new (to me) hiking spots last weekend and have welcomed the warmer temps with open windows and long ambling walks.

Been reflecting a lot about life and progress and what these things mean to me. Perhaps that topic will show up in a future video on my youtube channel, but for now I’d like to tell you about what I would like to do in the short-term and have been pondering sharing ‘Defending the Kingdom’ with more people. In the interest of encouraging more people to give the book a try and share their thoughts and opinions about it with reviews on platforms such as goodreads and amazon, I am contemplating doing a free e-book giveaway for everyone interested in checking it out. What do you think? Good call? Strongly considering it!

Rocky Shoreline

View from one of those recent hikes, just spectacular. The rocky coastline, nothing else quite like it. Something about the water and waves, just puts me at peace, love it!

This month I picked up a copy of the classic British tale, ‘Watership Down’ by Richard Adams. Had of course heard of this story before, but only in passing, and I went into it expecting more of a ‘Wind in the Willows’ type adventure. Haha, didn’t know what was coming my way at all. Book arrived weighing in at nearly five hundred pages and a much more serious tone and far less of a fanciful childhood tale about rabbits and carefree summer days than I might have guessed it to be. Took me nearly a hundred pages to fully envelop myself in its world, but then it had me and I was invested.

Books always seem to be in one or two camps in the engagement regard. Where they are either slow movers and ease the reader into their world with lavish descriptions, ample backstory, and delicate introductions and world building. Or they aim to grab your attention from the first sentence and feed you extraordinary happenings right from the off. I enjoy both styles immensely for different reasons, and this book was certainly the later.

Thanks for stopping by, catch you next time!

~ CS