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MARCH 2018 – What to do when the snow piles on, the temperatures drop, and you find yourself in the kitchen and hungry? Bake some fresh rosemary bread of course! At least one of these things typically happens to me (being hungry and in the kitchen), with frequently mixed results, haha. I did venture into the world of baking, not once, but twice this month(!!). As some of you may have noticed from my bio picture in the ‘About’ section I fancy myself a bit of a baker of bread now and again. Had actually been a long time since I had baked anything of substance, but I had a craving for freshly made bread, and with no bakery in sight, I turned to my trusty cast-iron skillet and a collection of ingredients in my cupboard.

The recipe I used (thanks internets!) was from the site ‘Baker Bettie’ and I’ll link to the exact recipe I used, in case any of you brave souls should wish to attempt it yourself! Although really, it is an insanely easy recipe, that happens to taste incredible, my roommates would agree too, I think, haha. There is something about artisan bread that I’ve always loved, in an old-world, experiencing something timeless, kind of way. Reminds me of my trip to Italy some years back, where you would almost always have freshly baked bread with every dinner. Which meant tearing off ample pieces from the loaf and dipping it in extra virgin olive oil and a collection of spices, just delicious. This Rosemary bread didn’t disappoint and the sprinkle of rosemary on top really added a nice hint of flavor to it (even if a lot of them fell off as I tried to cut the loaf, grr!).

Here is what the finished loaf looked like right out of the oven. Is making me hungry just looking at it, sigh.

Rosemary Bread

So yeah, give some baking a try! Outside of entertaining myself with cooking projects I’ve kept up ‘Introverteering’ and spend time picking up more recyclables and rubbish in the woods near my house. I have a modest creative/book idea journal going, so I am working on a third book, however slow the process may be.

Hope everyone is doing well, until next time, happy baking!

– CS

2 Responses

  1. Merrilyn

    Wow that looks amazing, well done! We bake one with actual ocean water that is very yummy, this made me want to make it again!

  2. chris

    Using actual ocean water must make for a delicious salty and flavorful loaf! Will have to look up how to harvest ocean water for such things, as I’m intrigued enough to want to try that myself, haha. Thanks for the note, happy baking!!

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