

Nov 09


Concerning Dreams

There are many kinds of dreams. In this instance we are talking about the sort that you have at night while you sleep! Of which I suspect a lot of us don’t remember them after we wake. At least I largely don’t. What about August? Does he dream? Or is he some weird sort of robot-alien hybrid that doesn’t dream at all and has secretly come to Earth to replicate humans as Grant once feared was the case? Haha. Find out in this week’s edition of the Adventures of August Winter!

Not a wellspring of knowledge as to the meaning of symbols in dreams myself. But it is a very interesting subject to study and I think if I could remember my dreams better it might be more applicable to myself. Yet, I rarely remember them at all. Is it the same for you? I wonder how much of the average 4 to 8 hours of sleep a night an average person spends dreaming? Any experts out there know? Or some people who want to throw in some bro-science, haha. Any insights would be welcomed!


  1. Merrilyn

    Whaaa..huh?? Oh sorry, I just woke up and had this cool dream that I was reading this really funny comic and commenting on it. :) . I read that people dream 6 or 7 times a night I think- and they could last for a few minutes or much more, it really varies per individual. This subject was so interesting I started researching it, and found out a lot of cool stuff such as in REM sleep our brains are as active as they are when we are awake, but not all parts are totally activated.

    Also you don’t have to be totally asleep to dream! I have experienced this during a “nap” for example where I know that things are going on around me, like the dog is barking or the tv is on and I hear these things on some level, but they do not affect me at all. It’s like they are in the background- not sure if that makes sense but I am definitely asleep on some level there.

    Very interesting topic! What is that August is holding in the last frame?

    1. CS

      Very educational there M! Didn’t know about the dreaming while being awake factor. Or maybe it is better described as being in the state of half-awake half-asleep like you were saying. Not sure if that has ever happened to me. As maybe what I thought was a dream was real or vice versa??! Whoa!!

      It is a fascinating area of studies that I’m sure some people have dedicated their lives to studying.

      Good question! In the last frame August is pounding his fist on the boundaries of the actual comic itself. As in his subconscious state he is aware of the 2D walls that confine him and he is trying to break free. So you can see a crack forming as he tries to break the bonds that hold him inside of two dimensions there.

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