OCTOBER 2021 – Do you remember what the internet used to look like? Trends in fashion, websites and the online world is constantly evolving and changing with the times. And quite frequently, evoking nostalgia and referencing the past. If you want to take a look back in time you can use the wayback machine over at the web archive and get a glimpse into past eras of the web. Had some fun with that while procrastinating on writing this new post to the site here, haha. Speaking of which, despite being made in flash, you can see what the WaveGarden Arts website used to look like too, as I paid homage to it in my first ‘News’ posting on this site here. Times sure have changed, mobile platforms have disrupted web design and the juggernauts of the web space continue to move and dominate the ‘internets’ like glaciers and shift in prominence.
I write this as I think the WaveGarden Art’s site could use an influx of new content and features. And over the next few months I’d like to deliver precisely that, have a couple ideas of new elements to incorporate that will map well to what I’m working on creatively. And ultimately, that is the main goal of this website, to be an online home for my creative pursuits. I see it as more being an update than an overhaul, as I quite like the simplicity and functionality of the site right now. Haven’t checked the specs recently, to see what percentage of the site traffic is from mobile platforms versus desktop/laptop browsers, as when I designed the site, I definitely focused more on the large format environment (though also having it be responsive was important too). So look for some enhancements in the not-too-distant future! And change resisters rejoice, as I don’t think it is going to change THAT much, haha.
Topic of the digital web world leads perfectly into the book I read this month, ‘Digital Minimalism’ by Cal Newport. The teachings of which have long resonated with me, even if I couldn’t quite pinpoint the how or why of it nearly as eloquently as Newport (who has written a number of books on work in the 21st century and achieving excellence in a noisy world). Being contemporaries and both of us involved in academia and creative endeavors, I find myself in sync with his takes on issues and would consider this book a valuable guide to those trying to enact change based on the belief that the digital world can be overly distracting and unfulfilling in some key ways when not navigated correctly.
As I had written about some months back, talking about my decision to get rid of social media, reading this book only further strengthened my conviction in making that choice. Being able to focus on the things that really matter can be like a super power in your life and allow you to find your way through a crowded 21st century landscape and become the person, the professional, and the individual that you always knew you could be. But until you stop investing so much time in things that don’t contribute to your life and goals, it is going to be a much rockier road to take.That isn’t to say that the digital world isn’t full of spectacular knowledge, tools, and opportunities to learn, create, and collaborate. You just have to be able to be honest with yourself about what you are doing and if it is serving you and being as valuable to your life as you might wish it to be.
Here’s to embracing the world, digital and otherwise, to create a bold future for yourself! Thanks for stopping by and spending a few minutes with the inner-workings of my brain, haha. Take care!
~ CS